What Is Ingress?
Ingress is the resulting app coming from the Niantic Project teaser website that Google launched at the start of November 2012. The Niantic Project website centers around a conspiracy theory around a government cover up surrounding a project that is code named Niantic.
The Niantic Project and the related Ingress android app both center around an ARG (Augmented/Alternate Reality Game) that Google is running. They tie in very close together and if you continue to read through this guide you will find out how.
The Ingress game focuses around capturing, upgrading, defending, capturing and linking portals. There are two factions The Enlightened and The Resistance. Portals are located at works of art (Statues and Paintings) throughout the world as well as many other public locations (Historic Locations, Libraries and Post Offices). To earn points you have to successfully create and maintain a field between three portals. The battle between the factions may play into the story line at some point.
The story line around Ingress is continually evolving (given that it’s an ARG) but the focus is around discovering Exotic Matter and the portals releasing it that were created through a cascade of a CERN specific experiment. Once these portals are found they can be captured and then upgraded through resonators and connected to produce mind fields.